Stem breaking on Vanda- help please
I have a tall Vanda with a lot of leaves that I recently posted on the forum. It is a NoID red Vanda. It is now dropping it's flowers but I noticed it's main stem where the leaves come from has a break (I think it was top heavy with the double spike full of flowers).
It has started to put out a lot of roots above the break in the stem, which I believe it is trying to survive! Previously there were no roots above the break it now has 6 roots forming, these are very high on the stem. The stem has not completely broken, as I am trying to hold it together until the roots form longer. Should I let it break away from the bottom of the plant that is leafless where all the GREAT roots are. This plant has a ton of roots and almost none above the break. Please help me save me vanda. I can also try and get some pictures. Thanks!