Vanda roots dying
I have a number of Vanda's, and while they are doing ok The root systems on a couple are a bit of an issue.
A couple of the root systems seem always dry. One was a plant given to me and was a bit poorly when I received it, and while it flowers well the root system look bad. The other was a purchased plant.
To explain issue of the plant given to me: Most of the roots are thin dry shrivelled up looking in appearance and appear to have no life.
Location: Currently the plant is in full sun
Care: Receives a good water spray in the morning for about 5 - 6 mins and fertilised regularly. I have noticed new roots starting to form so figure this plant is on the improve.
My question for this one, should I cut the dry dead roots off or just leave. Other options?
The other plant: The roots are looking good till the 100 mm point and the ends just die and brown off. This one is in full flower and is in the same position as above and receives the same treatment.
My other Vanda's look good and receive the same treatment as the above two. All my other Vandas bar one are under 70% shade. So I assume the location is one of the primary causes or is it a combination of fertiliser burn and full sun the issue. None of the above?
Possible Remedy: relocate under the 70% shade and see what happens?
Any other things I should consider. Any assistance most welcomed and thanks in advance.