Although I'm usually a species man, I was offered this 1 metre tall Vanda hybrid at an excellent price, (40 bucks!), because the previous owner had never had it flower.
I purchased it in good health in September 2013, it was very lush, but a little dark green - I suspect it wasn't getting enough light.
Within a month of having it in my 50% shade glasshouse it threw up a spike. It is currently on its' 5th flower spike in 7 months. My extra light and heat seem to have kicked into flowering mode and I think it's making up for lost time
Flowers are large and a lovely speckled mauve-blue. Has a delightful fragrance early in the morning. This morning I discovered yet another nubbin forming above the current spike, which will make 6 spikes since September 2013.
I may not be much for hybrids, but this big, healthy Vanda is starting to change my mind a bit

Plant is about a metre tall without roots or flowers. Probably close to 1.6 metres all up.

Remains of multiple old spikes. I had no idea these things could flower so hard for so long.