I am up to spike number seven with the 1st 6 always blasting. I'm kind of hoping that it's just too young and too eager, rather than me being at fault!!
Spike number 6 got to be twice as long as the preceding 5 before it blasted, hopefully spike number 7 will make it through. It is a prolific spiker.
The plant is otherwise healthy and happy but stands about 15-20cm in height.
Watered every morning without fail. Currently in a temporary position until its new abode is completed but still in a position that gets quality light and air movement. Its on an east facing location lt gets full midday protection but light is still bright and indirect. Gets very late afternoon sun.. Hanging next to other vandas which are spiking and blooming as they should be. I may try a weekly fertiliser bath and see how that goes in case it's not getting adequate feeds fertilising by hand.
You may have something regarding the fertilizer. Vanda and vanda types tend to be heavy feeders. I personally will let my large true vandas soak in weakly fertilized water for many hours once a week and they get misted heavily daily as well. I stopped doing that for a while and they declined. I'd try the soaking.
If your other Vandaceous plants bloom normally, I would tend towards thinking, that this one plant is super sensitive to something that the others have no problem with.
In Paphs there is one plant (St Albans, a classic red), that is known to blast buds repeatedly. I have not encountered this in the Vandaceous group though.
Well........spike number 7 has also blasted......The parents are kultana x adisak if anyone is familiar with them. Other vandas immediately either side of this one are spiking and blooming no worries so I will be persistent and hopefully sometime in the near future you'll see a successful bloom!!!!!
Well........spike number 7 has also blasted......The parents are kultana x adisak if anyone is familiar with them. Other vandas immediately either side of this one are spiking and blooming no worries so I will be persistent and hopefully sometime in the near future you'll see a successful bloom!!!!!
I need you to look for a few things here. Look at the crown of your plant where the new emerging leaf tissue is; tell me if you see a thin pale/white where the leaf hasn't developed chlorophyll as yet. Measure from where new leaf emerges to where the pale/white part stops. Also look at your roots and tell me if they have damage in the appearance of a ring near the root tips, almost looks as if the ring was sand blasted.
Lastly are the roots long and thin or really thick?
After you answer these I can further help.
Last edited by CR7cristiano; 04-08-2014 at 02:35 PM..
Well........spike number 7 has also blasted......The parents are kultana x adisak if anyone is familiar with them. Other vandas immediately either side of this one are spiking and blooming no worries so I will be persistent and hopefully sometime in the near future you'll see a successful bloom!!!!!
Perhaps there are thrips? One of my friends had similar problem with vandas and now sprays developing spikes with Bayer 3 in 1. Solved her problem.