Chatbud, you are near the equator so you can orient your plants at any direction all day..... the angle of the sun near the equator at noon is directly above you all year round.
Whereas, we are in the temperate zone and the angle of the sun in winter is totally different to the angle of the sun in the summer ....after all the Earth is a sphere = it is not perfectly round....
*the south facing direction of Baton Rouge takes advantage of the sun's brightness all year round....
The sun appears to move along with the Earth's sphere on any given day(the sun rises on the east and sets on the west), but follows different circles at different times of the year: most northerly at the Summer solstice and most southerly at the Winter solstice(meaning, the sun's angle will never be direcdtly above us at noon). At the equinoxes, the sun's path follows the Earth's equator.
Last edited by Bud; 12-15-2013 at 05:56 PM..