Originally Posted by eri789
ok thanks. would a hybrid require different care? I've added some more pics if you could show me what part is the spur, I'm not really sure? The first pic is of the prior years bloom and the closest one I could find, the following four are from a few months ago.
Sorry for jumping in. Lovely flower.
You can submit a picture showing back of an individual flower to clear the issue of spur....or check and report here.
Spur is a little narrow pouch on the back of flower(On vandas, I think it is on the back of that little 'lip', usually seen when pics taken from side). It is separate from the colored 'stem' and it does not attach to rest of the plant. Often, it contains nectar. If you check the flower you will know if it has a spur and that will distinguish species from Hybrid.
By the way many flowers (orchid and non orchid) have spurs which can be small or huge depending on type of plant.
I do not think there is any significant difference in care either way,only that it may be common /rare depending on the presence or absence of spur.....but others may disagree and I am no expert.