Blooming Neostylls Lou Sneary 'Bluebird' Vanda
I have had this Vanda about 3 years. It's grown nicely and looks like there is another Vanda growing out of the side towards the bottom, not sure what to do about that. It's sweet fragrance is just wonderful and you can smell it 4 feet away, the flowers are almost blue, but purplish. It's in a Phal mix since its so dry here in Denver. I water 2 X a week in the Spring and Summer and a good watering once a week in the Winter. It gets north-easterly sun for about 3 hours behind a sheer, it can take the full sun but I have others near this Vanda that can't. I use Miracle Grow full strength every two weeks, or when I remember to! I have another Vanda which is only labeled "Vanda Tri-color", it was tiny when I got it and I am hoping it will bloom soon, I have had it over 2 year and its just in bark medium size. It's grown really well the last year. A certain party (being me) let it dry out in the sun and it got burned badly over a year ago. I wish I had more Vanda's as they do well here in Colorado, but, just not in the budget being disabled. I really like them even though the flowers don't last all that long, but, they bloom about 3 X a year.