Originally Posted by Paul
Hmm, interesting idea. Are they filters that attach to the lens or are they a sheet that you place between the lens and the subject?
They screw on to the front of the lens just like a UV or polaroid filter, only it's a magnifying glass. You get soft focus on the edges of the frame, but that's also true with a macro lens (but not with an extension tube). I'm sure the quality of the photos is better with a macro lens, but I don't do a lot of macro photography. I do more the "Hey, let's see how close I can get to that bee on that flower" kind of macro photography, and being able to pop on a 10x magnification lens and remove it easily is perfect for me. And at under $15 . . . well that was perfect for me, too. If you'd like, I'll drop a couple of photos I've taken with my 10x filter onto this thread when I get home and have access to my photos. Or maybe it would be better start a new one in the photography section?