THANKS TO EVERYBODY!!! Nice to have all your kind lines.
Well, I did my homework

because I was very interested to know more about this plant. It was very simple, and naďve, I understand that it´s more complex, but I look for the parents of the parents of the parents... etc. just until the species. After I count how many times the species appear... so this vanda maybe is:
Vanda sanderiana (59.74 %)
Vanda coerulea (24.67%)
Vanda tricolor (7.79 %)
Vanda luzonica (3.89%)
Vanda dearei (3.89)
So well, 5 vanda species and 94 years (the breeding line began with Vanda Tatzeri in 1919 in Prague!!!) took to my plant to arrive to my sunny garden
Now I know and appreciate how many efforts and people were involved to create this beautiful orchid, how many expectations and knowledge contain this hybrid for our enjoyment.
It´s so nice to grow orchids!! isn´t it?