Parents: Vascostylis Tham Yuen Hae x Vanda coerulea
(A vascostylis is a combination of three different orchids species, vanda, ascocentrum, rhyncostylis)
They say this blooms several times a year yet this never bloomed for me until now.
Four years ago, I got this as a near blooming sized keiki from a very reputable grower in Florida and accidentally dropped it from the fire escape down seven floors and broke five top leaves and I had to cut some damaged folded tips on the following others. Maybe the following year due to the shock it gave me two keikis instead of flowers for fear it was going to die, yet the mother plant continued to grow tall and robust thru the years. The last keiki to come forth is the one that gave me three spikes this blooming season; to think it’s just a 3 and a half year old keiki. I hope the mother plant have regained confidence this time since it was her youngest child that gave me these magnificent blooms. This is one of the four of my ‘blue’ Vandas.
This is given Baker’s Vanda culture= bright shaded light on the south facing bay window in the winter months with electric humidifier that has a small oscillating fan, outdoors on the fire escape in the warm summer months. I water this every day in summer since it is mounted bare root; weakly weekly fertilizer and seaweed mix for glorious roots.
*I was wondering why I only got four inches flowers instead of the larger six inches blooms of the awarded mother plant....I believe that an FCC awarded orchid plant will not necessarily produce FCC quality flowers if it is cared for in a different manner as I am merely a windowsill grower; yet maybe given several years of blooming cycles= I too will produce flowers that are bigger, flatter and with more vivid colors.