Originally Posted by BradGC
Could someone that has first hand experience in growing both of these vandas please explain the difference to me.
For starters, they have two different immediate parents. Pachara delight is Karulea x gordon dillon and manuvadee is Ponpimol x coerulea.
They both have coerulea in their backgrounds but V. Manuvadee has a habit of blooming in cooler months; usually christmas time in my part of the woods and on a very erect showy spike. Manuvadee blooms are about 3 inches in size with good growing and can have many flowers on a spike. They have purple/blue tones but leans to the side of a very intense purple.
Pachara Delight has very large and intensely coloured electric blue flowers. Can get up to more than 6 inches on a mature and well grown plant. Tends to flower at a very small size and can flower several times a year in a tropical climate, unlike the Manuvadee that rarely flowers as a small plant and not as often. Also can tolerate intermediate temperatures as well. Spikes are presented nicely away from the foliage; very showy, and tend to develop horizontally or parallel to the leaves.
Really and truly the only similarity between the two are that they have Coerulea in their lineage.
I don't treat mine differently growing them. I just give my pachara delight slightly more exposure to light.