Vandopsis lissochiloides: suggestions appreciated
This is one of my plants that fell out if the tree during the storm this summer. The center leaf was destroyed and while a got most of it out, I can still see debris in the center. The damage to all of the leaves is ridiculous. I'm currently treating the leaves and I have already treated the entire plant systemically in hopes of warding off fungus and bacteria. I've taken off areas that look infected, but the plant still looks in bad shape. I have some new root growth but I think my only hopes for the future may be a keiki as I believe the crown is finished.
I've also moved it back into the solarium, as our temps have been unseasonably chilly and we've had a lot of rain.
Can anyone think of anything else I can do while I wait for a keiki? I love this plant and it's very hard to come by here. Any suggestions would be appreciated!