Originally Posted by CR7cristiano
V. Sansai Blue 'Acker's Pride'.
I'll second this one, which is an FCC/AOS, BTW. I have 2 cultivars of Sansai Blue, but the 'Acker's Pride' has bloomed for me 6 times since I got it a little over a year and a half ago (and has 6 flowers at this very moment). The other cultivar of Sansai Blue just recently finished reblooming for the first time since I got it (I got both within a month of each other).
I struggle to get my humidty above 40% most of the time, but I hang mine in the shower every morning when I come home from work (shower them for about 10 minutes, leave them sit for half an hour or so, and then shower them again). I fertilize at least once or twice a week by spraying the roots after they soak up the first part of their morning shower.
I've got 5 vandas under a 200W 6500K CFL light (plus my new Neos, which have recently rejoined the genus Vanda). I haven't bloomed my others yet, but they have been slowly adding new leaves.
To the original poster, your conditions sound pretty close to ideal, compared to how many of us are growing our Vandas. Go for it.
Here's an old pic of my 'Acker's Pride' from Dec 2011; it's grown substantially taller since then.
VSansaiBlueAckersPride by
Jayfar, on Flickr