the pantyhose trick is normally done with bare root Vandas. place a small amount of Nutricote or Dynamite fertilizer in a bag made out of pantyhose, and tie it loosely about halfway up the plant stem. If you give the plant a soaking with a spray nozzle when you water, it will release some of the fertilizer.
the pantyhose trick is normally done with bare root Vandas. place a small amount of Nutricote or Dynamite fertilizer in a bag made out of pantyhose, and tie it loosely about halfway up the plant stem. If you give the plant a soaking with a spray nozzle when you water, it will release some of the fertilizer.
Correct, this is what I do. It's been working well for my plants.
Are vandas supposed to be fertilised every time that you water them? Mine is in a glass vase and it gets 1/4 strength every week or so. I water the roots every day but only fert once a week.
Are vandas supposed to be fertilised every time that you water them? Mine is in a glass vase and it gets 1/4 strength every week or so. I water the roots every day but only fert once a week.
Thanks Gabe. It want to sleep for about four months but now it is really getting growing again. It's a Coerulea so maybe that is normal.
That's an interesting question. Do vandas have a slow or dormant period? Mine never stop growing but I've only had them for less than a year and don't want them to tire out and die.
I fertilize mine every time. They seem to enjoy it.
Vandas go dormant due to severe shock or significantly lower day & night temperatures with limited amount of light. This triggers dormancy escpecially extended periods of lack of any significant light. At this point your vanda with slow any growth significantly or entirely until temp go up and more light is given.
Note: day length plays a major factor bc based on the amount of light and time that light is present during a day will signal to the plant the change of seasons.