This is one of my new favs! The blooms are so big and delicious looking. Add the contrasting lip and mouth with the ruffling petals & sepals and you get such a stunning bloom.
This is the first bloom on this one; and to give you a better idea of how robust and healthy this Vanda is, it is a young plant w/ a width of 2 feet leaf tip to leaf tip & 2 1/2 feet tall. Did I mention this is actually a young plant and for its first bloom it has 12 buds! Just over half of them have opened already. I can't wait for it to be in full bloom and better yet to start getting it to dbl spike; it is going to be a talking point in my garden for sure!
Here are a few pics i took. Don't mind the varying lighting as the bright sun light was intermittent thru the clouds during this time; Enjoy!