Vanda Leaf stems look like they are crying and they are wilting
I am having the worst luck with Orchids! I live in Michigan and only window faces east has a minor cool temperature surroundings. Every store bought orchid seems to get wilted, wrinkled leaves. I gave up on buying those and recently purchased a V. Pachara from Florida.
While taking great care to bring it home it seemed to be alright. Now after two weeks of limited sunshine (Michigan) and daily watering at least three times with a mist spray (and orchid food mixture) it seems to be loosing the flowering leafs from the bottom up. Also the flowering leafs are excreting a liquid substance from the base of the stem and flower. I watered it last night before going to bed and today it looks like I may lose the rest of my flower leafs within a week or so. The flowers looks like they are crying. I only spray the green leafs and roots.
Does any one have any suggestions? Am I over watering, too much fertilizer, not enough sun, watering the wrong time of day or night, too cold (65 degrees)... ? or should I give up and buy a dog?
Thank you for your help!!!
Last edited by Troubled Orchid; 12-15-2012 at 12:09 PM..