Completely new to my Vanda pakchong blue
I purchased a Vanda Pakchong blue online and i got it all the way from Hawaii, seemed like my little vanda went through a long sunless trip, i received it on the 4th of October. I let it get accustomed to the light little by little, since it's cold now i keep it indoors on my north west windowsill plus i use my hps 150watt sun system growlight. Now, i've read how to take care of them but it doesn't go much into specifics, i water my little vanda every other day with a gentle flow of water but i've read everyone here soaks them for at least 10 minutes about every other day. Also Because my vanda was delivered i think it might have some damage on the leaves and i wonder if i should just leave it and it will be fine or if the leaves are showing that there's something more serious with it that i should treat.
In the picture of my Vanda Should i cut off that brown and pale yellow tips on the leaves or leave it? also if you look at the bottom of the vanda towards the right you can see a root but i noticed the top of the root is black but the rest of it looks healthy, should i cut off that root completely?(that's it's biggest root though =\) Other than that, how does my little vanda look so far? and anything else in addition i should know? I fertilize it once a week with dynagro 7-9-5. Thank you guys! im new =]