Hi friends!
I found on ebay a pretty big Arachnanthe cathcartii.. so... It'll arrive next week
I couldn't find sure info on growing: somebody tell it needs cool, somebody warm..
Any advice about temps, light and, eventually potting media? It should arrive already potted.
I'll post pics.
This is a Vandacious plant and it is endemic to the Himalayas and NE of India....they have two seasons: wet and dry....the monsoon rains sometimes drench them for days and the humidity and heat of the dry season makes it dependent on morning dew for water....
you may use the Baker Vanda culture
there are very few infos online so I suggest you go to the basic origins of this plant and its environment and try to provide it inside your home
This is a Vandacious plant and it is endemic to the Himalayas and NE of India....they have two seasons: wet and dry....the monsoon rains sometimes drench them for days and the humidity and heat of the dry season makes it dependent on morning dew for water....
you may use the Baker Vanda culture
there are very few infos online so I suggest you go to the basic origins of this plant and its environment and try to provide it inside your home
it is best to hang this in a wooden basket lined with a bed of coco fibers then arrange the roots around the nest of cocofibers and anchor the plant with wire so as not to make it wobbly....then sprinkle with large coarse media.... charcoal, lava rocks, sponge rocks and hydroton clay around the roots to fill the basket....
if it arrives already potted then just dont mess with it until it outgrows the pot then you can do the wooden basket after maybe two years when the original media has decayed
Esmeralda cathcartii is an impressive plant in bloom, well worth some special effort. Summarizing from Baker culture info in OrchidWiz: 1000-1500fc light (like Phalaenopsis). ~23C high temp in summer, ~18C high temp in winter, 5C temperature drop at night. Can tolerate near freezing for brief periods in dryer winter rest. 85% + humidity in summer, 80% in winter. Wet but not soggy in summer, very open media with good drainage, drier in winter.