Thanks for your comments guys & gall!
@ Jerry - yes the name first attracted me and when I saw the pics of older plants in flower that just made my mind go -This is Must have right now and forget my wishlist Top ten,
I had a look at it tonight, the second flower has opened today. If I can, I will try & come home at midday to see If I can detect the scent and take a photo of the two flowers opened.
Rosie I really recommend this one & I am sure you can grow it! (your gastro is a superb plant ..& I find this likes the same conditions) you need to imagine long spikes full of flowers on it & this site
super saccolabbium odoratissimum
They say it has a coconut scent.. & on mature plant up to 20 flowers on a spike.....
Bud ...I agree
!!!! Good move! keep us posted!
I would urge anyone wanting minatures who already grow a haraella retrocalla & any one of the mentioned above species to try & grow all 3!!