It has no fragrance. Some of the ancestors, like Rhynchostylis coelestis and Euanthe sanderiana, has fragrance, but i guess the Prapawan lost that somewhere on the way.
I have just figured out how to search for the ancestors when it comes to orchids, so here it is
1 Generation
Vasco Tham Yuen Hae x V coerulea
2 Generation
1.Vascostylis Tham Yuen Hae = Vandachostylis Blue Angel × Ascocenda Ophelia
3 Generation
1.Ascocenda Ophelia = Vanda Bill Sutton × Ascocentrum curvifolium
2.Vandachostylis Blue Angel = Vanda Rothschildiana × Rhynchostylis coelestis
4 Generation
1.Vanda Bill Sutton = Vanda Manila × Euanthe sanderiana
2.Vanda Rothschildiana = Vanda coerulea × Euanthe sanderiana