Hi All,
I have ALWAYS wanted to grow Vandas, but living in Pittsburgh, I knew I couldn't provide the right conditions and didn't even bother to try. Living in North Carolina, though, has been much different! I was given two Vandas from my friend Erica (they weren't doing anything for her), and last year, they got so sunburned I almost threw them out.
Perseverance was the key, however! I have been watering these twice a day over the last year, and finally one threw out a spike. Not just a small, first-bloom spike... but an AWESOME SPIKE!!!!!! The 9 flowers are about 3.5" across and of a glowing magenta/purple color. I'm so pleased... it is really a triumph in orchid growing for me! I wouldn't acquire any more for the time being... their needs are such a pain-in-the-rear! Maybe someday, when the imminent greenhouse happens......?

PS- I want to show the plant at the next Orchid Society meeting, but that isn't until Aug. 13th. How long can I expect the blooms to last? Are they like Phals that can last forever??? I REALLY hope it holds out that long...