Vanda denisoniana has chalky white tips
I purchased this Vanda six weeks ago from a local dealer and placed it in a basket with a small amount of Spanish moss and coconut chunks. It has quickly sprouted a new leaf, a vigorous aerial root, and a few smaller roots visible within the basket.
After sometime at home, I found that the tip of one leaf was developing a chalky white tip. It looks to be dry water, or a salt build up and is only on the top side of the leaves. Seeing that the white has developed on most of the leaves, I thought that it may be my water or the chemicals in my water, or possibly, my fertilizer.
I let it be, and continued my normal regime of watering every morning - twice on a hot/dry day - and routine fertilizing (once weekly weakly).
Today I attempted to gently wipe the substance off with a damp cloth. The white seems to wipe off completely, but a moment later the white appears again.
I have enclosed photos in the attachments.
If anyone shares any ideas, suggestions, or information I can use, it is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Last edited by Ralphonso; 07-07-2012 at 07:39 PM..