My windows face south east /west. It is getting the same light as my Bc -which I have to say I have had since sept last year and which has never bloomed for me- and my oncids which love light. They however are putting out crazy spikes. I got them less than a year ago and they are both giving me double spikes right now. They absolutely love it where they are. They are on either side of the Vanda in the main windowsill pic. - (Brra. Nelly Isler and Beallara tahoma glacier). They will soon be blooming and I can't wait for that. So, hopefully if they can bloom maybe the Vanda can too??? Please pretty please?
Is that a greenhouse window?
I don't grow Vandas, so can't offer much advice, but I would think it would need more light than most Onc alliance - BUT - if that IS a greenhouse window (I'm thinking that by your description of direction your window faces) - that may be good for a Vanda
I hope to see the blooms in a year perhaps...or maybe this year before coerulea is due to bloom this fall...
you dont have a small have a near blooming size with well established roots...
they wont get wider but they will get taller
Is that a greenhouse window?
I don't grow Vandas, so can't offer much advice, but I would think it would need more light than most Onc alliance - BUT - if that IS a greenhouse window (I'm thinking that by your description of direction your window faces) - that may be good for a Vanda
Good luck and let us know how it goes, please
I wish it was as green house window but no it is just my south east facing window where I live. I live in a tower block on the 14th floor so I het great humidity -normally around 50-60- and I get full unfiltered sunlight -when the sun is out. It was a mildly sunny day when I took that pic but since then in typical London fashion we have have nothing but cloudy grey days aaargh!!
I hope to see the blooms in a year perhaps...or maybe this year before coerulea is due to bloom this fall...
you dont have a small have a near blooming size with well established roots...
they wont get wider but they will get taller
Thanks Bud. The seller assures me that this is a small sized species which is already bloomimg sized. I saw another one in flower on another website so I guess it is possible that it could flower for me at some point, assuming that my culture is correct. We shall have to wait and see. I sure hope that I get a bloom or two soon though
Because I am growing my Vanda in a glass I am unsure how often and at what strength to feed it. I spray it every day -sometimes twice, but so far I have only fed it once by soaking it in the vase for twenty minutes. I used a quarter strength fert with some seaweed extract added. Should I feed it at a stronger dose seeing as I only do it once a week?
once a week feeding is fine. i grow my coerulea from the wild in vase culture(this is what it looks in the wild but I bought it from a grower)... I added some moss around the basket for more added boost...spray it in the mornings and do the 5 minute soak once a week...this warmer months the vandas feed and drink a lot...your southeast window is just fine and the humidity this summer is winter you will need to spray more...this is a cool growing vanda but can withstand hot is when the temp drops that the vanda will spike
* my other vanda is a farm grown clone: notice the flower is bigger(5cm) and bluer striking color...the one from the wild is lighter almost very light blue
I wonder about the moss. I have loads of sphag but I would have thought that it would cause rot if left in a soggy bunch in the root ball? Yours is obviously loving it but I will hold off on that for now. Wow, I can't wait to get a spike on this one. Thanks for the help Bud!