I've been wanting to buy a vanda but was scared to pieces about killing the poor thing being how Colorado has very little humidity. I visited an orchid farm out in Louisville (Fantastic btw) and was amazed and in love with the many Vanda they have growing from the rafters, planters, and off the wall. I bought a Neostylis Lou Sneary to see how well I would do. After a month it's doing fantastic. So, I purchased quite a few vanda from Bill Asia, only I bought them from his actual website, not Ebay. A week later I received my shipment and yes the poor babies were a bit weak but this is because they've been in the mail from Miami to toasty Colorado for a few days... bare root.
Now I have them arranged around a mini fountain I have and they are all doing very well, however because it's dryer than toast here, I want to try the vase method. All of my plants are seedlings so it'll be another while before they actually start to spike. Does anyone from Colorado have any suggestions? I'm tempted to do this very method w/some of my phals that I rescued from L***S as.
I am very happy I stumbled across this forum and particularly this discussion as I don't wanna dry out and kill my seedlings. The Neostylis has already spiked and bloomed, so I'm excited for my lil NOOBs to get there too.