Originally Posted by Vanda lover
That is interesting! We are learning about more than just orchids here!

We certainly are. I think I read somewhere that certain firefly species stay in a somewhat larval form as adults, like Camille said, and these are the ones that are called glow-worms. I believe it's only the females, while the males develop wings to fly to the females. But maybe some species glow even as immature larvae, not sure.
Found a picture of the fireflies I see in Washington. There seems to be some debate about the particular species, but it's definitely a firefly, just without the "fire".
Pacific Northwest Firefly (Ellychnia hatchi) - Ellychnia - BugGuide.Net
Thanks bballr! Yes, it is sad about fireflies dwindling. From what I've read, all our light pollution is interfering with their ability to find mates.
Thanks for the cultural tip, mspatt. I have one Phal in SH and I might try this one in SH, too.