This mericlone grows very fast and looking at its present robust leaves and roots that I have to remove it from S/H method 2 years ago; since it has gotten very well adjusted to my environment and notice that this has produced plenty of long pencil thick roots that I decided to just hang it free..... bare root=this plant is 25 lbs. Vanda Pachara Delight is right now one of the five largest Vandas in my collection.
This amazing orchid produces 5 inches in diameter deep indigo blue flowers with tessellation and almost black lips on velvety textured petals= this blooming cycle I got large flat flowers with vivid colors; in direct sun it shimmers in an incredible electric blue that I find delightful.
Plant now stands 34" high with a leaf span of 17" and has 1 keiki. Observe picture #2= if you look at the total length of the whole plant in comparison to the 6 feet wall….the tip of the flower to the tip of the longest root it stand also 6 feet….I inherited this as a 6 year old merely 18 inches high now it’s becoming an 9 year old giant.
I give this bright shaded light, warm temperatures and in winter never below 50F....this is watered daily in warm growing months and weekly weakly fertilizer with seaweed mix all year round, no rest period.
A truly extraordinary Vanda, this must be a really good hybrid that can withstand bugs and fungi infestations because as I compared it to my other Vandas thriving along with it; this just keep on growing tall…. I believe, I must be keeping this orchid very happy.
* I have to hang this up a tree and use a ladder to take close up pictures of the flower. I so wanted to do a sky background on this but blue on blue might not work= so I have to have autumn leaves as background this time.