Originally Posted by Bud
Evan...as long as you have bright shady light ... warmth and humidity...you can grow vandas...I have them on a windowsill all winter and I hang them outside my fire escape in summers...they drink a lot of water and loves to be fed weekly...some hybrids now can bloom several times a year...the specie will always bloom once a year; twice if youre lucky. Man up and get one...My vanda sanderiana(7 yrs old) goes with me to my tours and stays in bathroom windows of motels most of the time...its just now that I have settled back in the city that it had a permanent home in my apartment.
I might "man up" soon Bud. It will all depend on where I end up after graduation. However, I think you may be underestimating the darkness of a western Washington state winter. Honestly, there are weeks on end when the sun may as well not be there at all, at least in my area. Other places are a bit brighter. It's the price we pay for our beautiful forests and dry, sunny summers!