I recently acquired a small Angraecum comorense. It is growing in a tube.
Mr Google tells me Angraecums grow equally well in baskets, pots or mounted on slabs.
Before I do anything draastic, could any of you knowlegeable OB'ers offer any suggestions as to which way I should go?
It depends on your growing conditions, particularly humidity; most angraecoids seem to quite enjoy being mounted, but they need the humidity to go with that.
I thought you would have made some notes on your visit here Baz. Warmth, humidity, good open mix, water & food regularly, about Cattleya light would be fine. If it starts to yellow, give it a touch more shade. Judging by the size you describe, keep it a little more shaded, its too small to think of flowering, needs to grow a lot bigger by a long way.