I bought these 2 plants on the same trip as I got the green & pink Catt' I posted a while ago.
The pink is suppoed to be V. Ogden Phipps, I've found a few pinks on the net but mostly blues.
The second is Ascda Fuchs Gold 'Adisak', an average flower but great color & spike habit. The plant is huge with 5 keikis at the base. ( now one keiki ) rest potted up single. Flowers on both were/are over the hill by miles but show something.
I really like the yellow as well. I've got an Ascd. 'Jakkit Gold' that I'm looking forward to blooms on when it grows a bit more.
Tony, Ascda, Jakkit Gold is probably one of the best yellow Ascda's I've ever seen. I bought 2 but both are a long way from flowering. Its big, low on flower count but a show winner flowered properly.