Vandirea Newberry Jasmine--anyone have experience with this?
I ordered this orchid hybrid. Sedirea japonica x Vanda (Holcoglossum) amesianum. It says to grow similar to a Phal. It is supposed to be fragrant & is quite compact.
Has anyone had any experience with this type of orchid hybrid? I plan to grow like a phal--similar humidity, lights, etc.
I have searched the "net for other care instructions.
I also have one and would love some advice on how to make it thrive. Have heard to grow like a Phal with slightly brighter light. With Vanda in the parentage, that's hard to believe. I've also searched the 'net for care instructions and not found much of any use.
Anyone have any experience with this one? I found this old thread, but no replies, but am hopeful that there is more information by now.
Sedireas like higher light but other wise just grow like a phal. So a Sedirea and Vanda hybrid would take/want higher light. I don't have one of these hybrids, thought I do want one. I keep my Sedirea moist but not wet.
Thanks for your insights, Wjs2nd. I have now palced mine in my warmer mini-GH where it will be kept a little moister, a bit more light and warmer - I have Phals in there too but toward the back. We'll see how it goes.