Yeah, I keep an eye out on all my orchids, since they are all outdoors. The good thing is that it'll stop raining and the sun comes out for a few hours, dries everything up, then it starts raining again. Btw, my phals are out of harms way--they're sheltered from the rain in my back porch.
Sounds good. Must be nice to have a porch. I wish I had a porch. Would have saved me a lot of work. Today my Vanda's where outside, but had to bring them in because of the wind.
I can't wait to see how it progresses. I would like to get one for myself if I could grow it in a vase but so far I'm a little hesitant - they look like hard work. So exciting though!!
Well it's not really that hard work. You just have to mist daily. Depending on the weather how much. Once a week soak with fertilizer. Also they like sun when possible. I guess when I can get it to spike here in Holland you can do it also.