Question about vanda divisions, do they require different care than seedlings?
I received some new vanda babies, but this time they are not seedlings, they are divisions from mother plants.
I grow my seedlings in glass vases and they are doing great. I have one large vanda hanging without pot and she looks happy.
These new plants (two of vanda denisoniana and two of vanda bensonii) have frightening small roots.
I have attached pictures:
the first one of Vanda denisoniana, second one of bensonii.
Do you think they stand a chance? Their foliage looks sad from shipping. The roots turn green in the water, but there is just so little of them.
Now I am keeping them in glass without any potting and water them several times a day.
Can I treat them the same way as my seedlings?
Thank you so much for your help.