I have seen a Vasco Veeraphol on Ebay. I love to buy it. I only have some questions. Can anyone tell me how often it flowers in a year. Is the culture the same as other Vandaceous orchids. I already have Vanda's and Asco's but I like to know if this one is the same.
I saw one online that is very tempting too.
Vasco. Veeraphol (Rhy. gigantea X Ascda Bangkhunthan Gold) I would also like to know how it grows.
I think perhaps we are talking about the same one. I sure is very pretty. I like the color very much. I must admit I did already buy it. I couln't resist it. I did enclose a photo from the one I have seen on Ebay.
Vascostylis are some of my favorite orchids. They bloom more often than any orchid I know. I have three that are almost in constant bloom. I'm not familiar with this one but I would buy any vascostylis I find. Grow them like any other vanda. Bright light, water every morning and feed once a week.
Thanks. I just couln't resist it. It did look so pretty. If what Tucker85 is saying is true than it wouln't be a problem. I already have Vandaceous orchids in all sizes.
From flowering plants till flasks.
This is an answer that I did get from an orchid farm in Thailand.
Well it should normaly flower twice a year, however depending on the climate condition as Rhy. gigantea flower during the cooler climate in thailand Jan- Feb, and Ascda. Bangkhuntian does flower throughout the year.
Let's hope it will flower more often, because the climate here is always cooler than in Thailand.