Well whatever the cause I think it's going to die. It's now down to 3 leaves (1 of which is only part grown) and before the last 5 leaves dropped it had gone brown at their bases
I will have to get another one I think and try again!
Had same problem with a Vanda and it died. Senns once they start losing leaves one by one there is no coming back. I put it close to a humidifier as well. no help from it.
Yeah, I'm thinking of Vase culture. The place I bought it from sells them in vases (as well as potted like this and bare root) and I also have a large vase I had previously thought of for trying with a vanda.
The large vases are stupidly easy to find here, dutch people have a thing with filling them with various things and decorating the front windowsill with them.
Are you going to try to get the same one again? I really really liked the blooms on it!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I'll have to see, I would quite like to get the same one again as I really liked the flowers as well. I'll ask the nursary if they still have it. They seem to be at most shows and I like to visit them down south sometimes.
My sister gave me a large vase as a present a few years ago and I've never found the perfect use for it. When I was first thinking about Vandas I thought it would be great to grow one in there, but then I bought this one potted and decided to see how it went like that (great until it suddenly deteriorated recently) so I think I will have to give it a go.
Well, so far the last two leaves are looking OK, although neither look fully grown.
They are showing no sign of the yellowing that preceeded the last leaves dropping by a couple of days.
However some of the once fat roots seem to be shrivling back.
Just don't know about this one even if it survives it will take a long time to get back to health so I think another Vanda either the same or different is definately in order soon.