I really love my one and only Vanda and even more so when I realised I had got it to rebloom
It is Vanda Taweewan x Crimson Cloud, both of which are complex hybrids and both of which contain a lot of sanderiana. This one works out about 60% sanderiana and you can see the influence in the colouring.
I grow this potted in course bark. I spray the surface roots daily until they turn green and the roots in the bark just get the moisture that seeps down in the process. In the summer I soak the pot about once a month. That's all the watering it gets, and it seems happy that way.
None of the 11 flowers it now has (the pictures were taken in Nov before they all opened) are the same way up as each other.
I noticed that even the ones which are now upright opened upside down then twisted. I also remember seeing the twist in the flower stem when I bought this one in March. Is that usual with Vandas?