Orchid people get an extra gift today, they get to eat, drink and be merry and then try to get all their orchids in before the 30 degree temps hit. Depending on how much wine I have, mine might get to stay out. LOL
LOL I had a birthday yesterday so I had an extra gift...hmmm not really. My chids came in once already a few weeks ago then back out and now it looks like we may have another front coming in. No wine for me though I get buzzed too easily. Enjoy.
Happy Belated Birthday!
You must learn to enjoy your birthday because you know what the alternative is.
My chids have now been in and out 3 times and I'm not sure if the fourth is going to kill them or me. It was such a gorgeous day today that I'm hoping the forecast is wrong and that we won't fall below mid 40's. I have decided NOT to move mine unless it's going to fall below 40. I'm not being lazy (or so I tell myself) I just don't want a bunch of confused blooms.
Thank You. Yeah I do enjoy my birthdays, my family and friends really makes them worthwhile.
WOW that's a lot of times moving them in and out. I really really hope they are wrong too cause I don't want to go through that too often. In my case it really is about laziness LOl Hey at least I have come to accept it. Anyway good luck and stay warm.