I guess Vandas are amongt the most difficult orchids to grow in temperate climates but they are not impossible to bring to bloom. I hand my vanda on glass vase and leave some water on the bottom of the vase ( roots must not touch the water) and give it full sunshine in the summer time. here is the result. hope you like it.
I've not tried the vase method although many are sold that way from the nursaries I've looked at. My sanderiana based hybrid is grown potted and it seems happy... well it developing buds at the momment so I guess something is right.
Glad to see you are having success, I might try more next year and maybe get one in a glass vase.
It's beautiful. Would you post a picture of the vase, also? How do you water and feed your vanda, and does it get direct sunlight?
During the summer i gave it full sunshine put the root under the running tap water but the trick was leaving water on the bottom of the vase( roots must not touch the water). the water evaporated and created humid air. i will try put the pic of the vase. many thanks
In Italy we are used to buy Vandas in glass vase, but normally they don't survive... Maybe no enough humidity even if you fill the vase.
They grow better in bark.
In Italy we are used to buy Vandas in glass vase, but normally they don't survive... Maybe no enough humidity even if you fill the vase.
They grow better in bark.
in here sometimes they are planted in wood shavings (as per pet hamster shavings) but i found that too wet for my liking. maybe you can give a try