The two following pics are of my purchases. At the show & sales spectacular last weekend which in travelling time is a 6hr+ round trip, a bus load of orchid nuts (inc myself) decided to attend. The purchases at the show were 6 small Vandas & Ascdas & a mini catt. The 2 larger plants came from a nursery very near the show who has an extensive orchid area.
The large plant, no flowers is V. Robert's Delight 'Blue' and was $50, I got it for free as I had a $50 voucher I won last year, to use at the nursery. The Pink, Ascda Marissa's Little Doll 'Bonnies Wish' was $45. I checked a catalog that listed this plant back in 2008 had it at $70 for a large flowering size plant. Having seen their idea of LFS recently, this plant is XXXXX LFS.