I came across this plant in a nursery, but cannot find anything about it. Does anybody have an idea whether this is a real species and what it should look like?
Yes, to the degree that it is clear that the plant has been described. I could find fairly little info on the "less common" Renanthera's on the web. I have infop on ...
# Renanthera bella
# Renanthera citrina
# Renanthera coccinea
# Renanthera elongata
# Renanthera histrionica
# Renanthera imschootiana
# Renanthera matutina
# Renanthera monachica
# Renanthera philippinensis
# Renanthera storiei
# Renanthera vietnamensis
But practically nothing conclusive (except that they exist) on ...
# Renanthera annamensis
# Renanthera edefeldtii
# Renanthera pulchella
Renanthera pulchella was described briefly in this book
"Botanica's Orchids: Over 1200 Species (Botanica's Gardening Series)", as small growing renanthera specie native to Myanmar. It looks like its a poor form of Ren. imschootiana as the flower looks similar but smaller, with more yellow underlying tone.
Thank you: I received a cutting and it looks like a smaller version of Arachnis flos-aeris. The seller told me it flowers similar to vietnamensis (smaller, and narrower lower petals) and almost uniformely orange with canary yellow edges.