Originally Posted by wonderlen3000
Falcata is one of the larger growing species. It will require the plant reach at least 1 feet or more with leaf span about 8-10" before they will flower. It require intermediate to warm condition.
Since it looks a kiki, i would grow it warm and humid, until it establish, grow more roots and leaf. Its too small to be transfer into a basket or slab. Or you can water it and put it in a clear plastic bag, with a little hole on a side.
Just my
I think the 'best' you can do is
watch the roots .. if you see they are growing a 'grey/silvery ' colour wet them without necessarily soaking or wetting the ' whole' pot.. (the center of the pot always remains moister) I also tend to go with the idea that it It's better to leave them one day more in drier medium than overwater......
It depends a lot on your growing conditions... I change places/regions where I live quite often & have learnt through experience that the key is : beautiful roots produce beautiful leaves = flowers......... !
I have used the bag method, which is fine and works as long as you watch the roots & leaves so they get air & dry out & not become soggy, get mould etc.
I hope this helps.