Very jealous mine has had good years and this is decidedly its bad year. Ive been moving it around the greenhouse trying to let it find a spot it might respond to. I had it in an intermediate spot with medium light and it got watered fairly well, but started to drop what few leaves they already have, moved it to a spot closer to fans but it was still not the spot. Right now its near the Plueros and I hope it recovers. I lost my Mystacidium gracile this year and if I lose this species too, its just going to be devastating to my love for angs.
PS - Mine has always been severely cupped, it never flattened out. I wanted to use it for breeding with Eurychone rothchildianum to flatten out the reflexive nature of the roth and play on the green trait. Pods did not take this year.
PSS - Cultural tips appreciated.