This is the third blooming for Clair florist. She is a great bloomer
This is the first blooming for the TMA RED. I posted a pic of the plant - - now. When I got it, the shape of the plant was almost like a question mark. About every month I would tighten the twist ties I had placed along the stem. It now looks half way straight. It still needs a little more help. The roots are great.
This is the first time I have seen a TMA in bloom. I wasn't sure it would bloom for me in my basement but I had it under high light and she surprised me. I'm proud of her.
Because of being in a cast for 8 weeks with a broken foot, all my plants suffered along with me but my vandas didn't miss a beat. I had to go up and down the stairs on my bottom, no easy task. They are very determined to live.....and bloom. I just wish they didn't take so much space to grow.