Vanda/Ascda Light Requirements
A couple months ago I purchased a a full Vanda hybrid, a Vanda/Ascocenda cross, and an Ascocenda hybrid. They're pretty small right now (6-8 inches tall, with 6-8 leaves apiece) but otherwise in good shape. The roots are growing well, but still not quite enough to support them in even a small Vanda basket yet so I've got them in very coarse bark and mist daily. They live in a south/east window.
Here's my question. I live in Kentucky so its not quite warm enough for them to move outdoors yet, but I'd like for them to take advantage of the heat and humidity we'll get in a few months here.
I know that Vandas require a lot of light, but exactly how does that work? I've heard that some require almost full sun- does that mean like in the middle of the yard, no trees, with 12hrs of light a day? I was rather planning on putting them on an east wall to get full morning sun (to around 11 or noon) and then shaded thereafter. Is that too much/not enough light? Would they prefer a more southerly position?