I'm back!
I'm happy to report that my vanda's roots are doing quite nicely. I've cut off a bit more dead growth and I have no fewer than eight new roots starting!
I am, however, worried about how much water it's been getting. I moved recently, and my apartment is noticeably drier than my parents' house. The leaves are getting a bit of a wrinkle to them and the edges are a light beige when looking at them in profile (only on the edges though; the leaves themselves are still a light green). Should I be watering more often?
I currently soak it once or twice a week and spray once or twice daily with a highly diluted fertilizer solution (1/8 teaspoon of 12-2-14-6CA-3MG per four gallons of water). I've been using distilled, but the tap water in my area is supposed to be very good so I may switch to that. No water softener is needed, that I know of. It's sitting in a vase on a gravel tray filled with water with two other large orchids and three smaller ones nearby.