Originally Posted by orkie
I grow this same plant mounted in my BK apartment with humidity varying from 30-70% (30ish in winter and 70ish in summer) and soak the mount every 1-3 days (more in summer). I got mine last March and it bloomed with 2 spikes in Dec. I grow a lot of plants that would probably like much better more consistent humidity (lots of vandaceous) and they seem to do fine and still bloom.
thanks orkie for your reply!
my situation (my office in manhattan) has humidity in the 20-30s now, with late spring summer fall in the 50-70 range indoors. am very surprised to have gastrochilus japonicus now in flower (it set spikes early winter) and a few of the neofinetias i've got appear to be setting spikes. i read that tuberolabium kotoense is something that can handle indoor culture with low humidity, and you've confirmed that! am curious to know where you got your plant have been looking for seed raised.