A classical of Vanda. This one is interesting with nearly white flowers and extremities of lip, sepals and petals very light yellow. It has also a few spots who gives it a touch of var hebraica.
In fact in Thailand, there are 2 seasons of blooming for this specie : spring and automn. I don't know if this plant is late or early ! But i don't complain about that of course. My other denisoniana are not blooming as well.
Those are outstanding blooms, Philippe. This is another species that I thought required cooler temperatures during the winter to be happy. But since you're able to grow and bloom it in the uniformly hot climate of Bangkok, maybe a reduction in heat isn't absolutely necessary.
Hi Steve,
from my own experience it seems that the plants acclimate well. I do have other species who are said to be cold to cool climate and they are flowering well in Bangkok e.g. V. lamelata or even V. coerulea !
I guess that the plants adapt much better that what the growers might think. Maybe, that the difference of day/night temperature that occurs most of the year in Bangkok that is enough.
The ony thing that I'm sure is that many Vanda (at leat this genera) said to be cool or cold climate growing only are blooming much better in hot climate that what it is said on the books...