I just noticed these two bumps on the plant. Since the upper portion started discoloring, I cut the portion off. Are they flower spikes or new growths?
Naoki, I would think that its a spike coming from that location. If your plant is the same color and shape of one other Trichovanda Thai Velvet I've seen it will be magnificent.
If you cut off the top part of the plant, it's more likely to produce a new growth. the first picture looks like a new growth to me, but you'll have to wait until it's bigger to be sure.
Naoki - Why would cut the top off? New growth comes out from the top. If there are roots coming out from the upper portion you could cut at that point in order to reduce the size of the plant. I have cut the bottom off but not the top. Do you know something I don't. Always like to learn all I can about vandas as they are my favorites!!!
Don, it was growing, however, I noticed the middle part ( both main body along with a few leaves )started turning yellow. It was a diffcult decision, though.