Today I was in the garden center to get some fertilizer and I noticed three Vandaceous plants out of bloom. Because they were out of bloom and the roots suffered a lot from dehydration and rough handling, they were only 9,95 euro each. In bloom they sell for 29 - 39 euro's.
I asked if they new what colors they bloomed but they didn't take notes. H. who works here, let me have a closer look at the plants and offered me the three of them for 15 euro's. How could I say no!

From two, the leaves looked very well, the third plant was a bit odd shaped... but for that price...
Now I wonder if I can see from the shape of the leafs if I have a Vanda, Ascocenda or an other intergeneric? Also I wonder if I can predict the color of the flower by the color of the leafs (like Phal's with purple flowers often have more pigment in the leafs)?
H. told me these could be reds, orange, purple´s ore yellows.
Currently it's past midnight here, will make some pictures from the leafs tomorrow. Maybe you can give me a hint what these Vandaceous plants might be, but I guess I have to rebloom these first