Originally Posted by Ross
I just believe an orchid should be happy and when it wasn't happy at my house, I thought it might be the snow!  Seriously, I have found that for me the Sederia grows better in a pot than mounted (I think it gets too dry here, even with daily dunkings.)
Thanks Ross, I may try another one, in a pot.
Ross, I keep losing my mounted plants, I finally tried a couple of them flat on my racks and, don't ask me why, but they don't dry out so quickly, and they even live.....sometimes.
I bought a mounted seidenfada from Andy, on a rather long board, about 10-12 inches, and I hung it in my basement with my vandas. I can't belive it is still alive, and happy there. Possibly, it prefers the conditions between the larger plants.
I can't put my smaller ones there because they would get lost in the jungle.