I'm kind of late posting this list, but here it is.
Ascda. Lovechild
Ascda. Ophelia X Bonnie Blue
Ascda Pattaya Gold
V. Eima X Dr Anek
V. JVB X Dr Anek
V. JVB X Roberts Delight
V. JVB X Pormimol
V. Kasams Delight X Yip Sum Wah
V. Velthius X Alba
She still has quite a lot of Vandas but They were either ones I already had, or the plants were a bit picked over. She does have many other plants, especially mounted plants, and Catts.
It snowed the night before we went and she has a dirt drive going back to the greenhouses. Getting back there was a little difficult, getting out was almost impossible.

We were STUCK IN THE MUD. The ruts were about 6" deep or more. We tried, Cindy pushed, we rocked,

we backed up to get a running start,

ray, :nothing helped. Finally Cindy found some old cardboard boxes which we used as a bridge to get over the ruts. With a lot of pushing by Cindy we SLOWLY eased out........Cindy sure had to work for that sale.
I did get some nice plants, but ran out of wood baskets to plant them in (she grows in pots). I still have 3 - 6" baskets left but the remaining plants were too big for those pots. More 8" are ordered from Kelly's Korner.
NOTE: If you go there, don't drive back to the greenhouses, stay on the paved driveway.